Call for applications: Study in Taiwan programmes
The Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals to study in Taiwan. Here are some great opportunities, which we hope you will share with interested parties.
* Huayu Enrichment Scholarship :
- 2 to 9 months of Chinese language learning at the language center of your choice in Taiwan
- Monthly stipend of 25.000 NTD
- Information:
- deadline: April 15, 2024
* Taiwan Scholarship:
- Bachelor, Master or PhD program at the university of your choice in Taiwan (English and Chinese programs available)
- Tuition fee waiver and monthly stipend of 15.000 or 20.000 NTD
- information:
- deadline: April 15, 2024
Please note that the Taipei Representative Office in the EU & Belgium can only accept Taiwan and Huayu Enrichment scholarship applications from Belgian and Luxembourgian nationals. People with other nationalities need to apply at the Taipei office in their home country or the one closest to it.
*Intensive Chinese summer course :
- 4-week summer course at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) including Mandarin classes, cultural activities and field trips
- MOE stipend of NTD26,000 (condition: min. 15 participants)
- information:
- deadline: Feb 29, 2024
Please note that participants have to be 18+ and need to be enrolled at an education institution in the Benelux region (nationality is not important) in order to be eligible.
NSYSU has only limited availabilities, so students will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
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