Promotional material

On this page you will find a series of promotional materials that we can make available to your organization or higher education institution. If you are interested in obtaining or borrowing one or more of our carriers, please fill in the contact form.

Study in Flanders-leaflets with insertable sheets of the international (non-Dutch) study programmes

The Study in Flanders-leaflet enthuses international students to embark on a foreign academic adventure at one of our Flemish higher education institutions. In addition, the brochure is built in such a way that the inlays on which all non-Dutch-language courses are listed per educational level, can easily be added.

Study in Flanders brochure.

Study in Flanders-pens

Pens (blue) with inscription of the Study in Flanders-logo and baseline "Belgium. Where great minds grow".

Pennen Study in Flanders

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