Lerende netwerken

Lerende netwerken

In our mutual-learning events, called 'lerende netwerken', higher education professionals exchange knowledge and experiences based on a shared interest in a particular area of knowledge.

In pursuit of our mission, VLUHR-i brings together internationalisation professionals from the Flemish higher education sector to exchange knowledge and experiences with the aim to develop new insights, to find innovative approaches to common problems and to promote new working methods. The provision and dissemination of know-how and expertise by means of peer learning events, delivers creative ideas and new contacts, enhances networking and cooperation both within and outside the organisation.

Our mutual-learning events (physical or virtual workshops, seminars, information sessions, etc.) provide opportunities for both academic and administrative staff to acquire knowledge in the field of international cooperation in education and training. Moreover, in some cases we co-operate with partner organisations at national or European level (e.g. EPOS, VLIR-UOS, DAAD, NUFFIC, etc) to foster continuous development and community building.

Future activities

At the moment there are no planned activities.

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