Knowledge and expertise network on internationalisation in higher education

VLUHR-i aims to be the expert body on international developments in higher education and to act as a contact point on international dossiers for both the Flemish higher education institutions, as well as for national and international partners and authorities. Our team also wants to enhance the key international position of Flemish higher education institutions by focusing on national and international higher education policy and promoting international cooperation amongst our institutions. In order to achieve these objectives, VLUHR-i engages in benchmarking, active networking and international representation.

Stakeholder management

VLUHR-i builds and maintains relationships with all relevant stakeholders in the field of internationalisation in higher education and training, including students, national and international policy makers, partner networks, as well as ministries and embassies. We recognise that internationalisation is an important feature of all our higher education institutions, which are culturally diverse academic communities of students, staff and alumni actively involved in internationalisation policy.

Illustration of people having a connection.

Creation of a knowledge and expertise network

VLUHR-i provides timely and valuable information on internationalisation in higher education and contributes to the professional development of staff who are in charge of internationalisation on a daily basis.

Colleagues in a meeting room.

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